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Sunday, 13 September 2015

Unable to add network node in CANoe

Today I wasted 1 hour in a trivial error, but I found out that it was not answered in a forum entitled How to enable CAPL node. Simply, I was working with CAN hardware VN1630A, and I was trying to add a network node by right clicking the blue/red bus as shown below. Surprisingly, the menu option "Insert Network Node" is disabled.

The problem was due to license, at the back of the VN1630A can case I found a little mark on "run". That means the hardware license is run not full version. Only the full version license enables the programming, execution, and debugging of CAPL nodes. For the full list of differences between the 3 licenses you can refer to Feature Matrix CANoe 8.5.  It worth mentioning that if we install a "demo" of CANoe only, we will be able to add nodes with limited functionality.

pex run full
CAPL programming
CAPL execution
CAPL debugging

1 comment:

  1. زكاة العلم ، نشره :))
    ربنا ينفع بيك يا مولانا
